volt hardwired smoke alarm wires directly into your home’s electrical system. Ionization smoke sensor reliably detects particles from fast-flaming fires. Can integrate with up to 12 other First Alert or BRK hardwired smoke detectors. Easy-to-access battery drawer; 9-volt battery included. Hassle-free installation, no need to rewire. 17 rows · Input your model number and select your product. 4. Click Download product manual. . Product Manuals. To find the manual you need you can either use the search function to search by manual number or by model number or click the link below to go to the products section to search for your model number. Then click on the "Downloads" tab to find an English and Spanish version of the manual. Go to Products Section.
If multiple interconnected First Alert B smoke alarms are singing their ear-splitting song together when there's no real danger at hand, you can promptly shush all of them. First, find the original alarm that was offended by smoke and triggered all the other alarms. This user's manual contains important information about your Smoke Alarm's. operation. If you are installing the Smoke Alarm for use by others, you must. leave this manual - or a copy of it - with the end user. Models B. All First Alert. ®. and BRK. Mfr. Model # B UNSPSC # Catalog Page # BRK Smoke Alarams User Manual; BRK B Smoke Alarm Series Dual Ionization Specifcation Sheet; Alternate Products View All. Navigate previous. Navigate next.
Model SCB Input: V AC ~ 60 Hz, A IMPORTANT! PLEASE READ CAREFULLY AND SAVE This user’s manual contains important information about your Alarm’s operation. If you are installing the Alarm for use by others, you must leave this manual — or a copy of it — with the end user. Model SCB Printed in Mexico M K1 08/ This user’s manual contains important information about your Smoke Alarm’s operation. If you are installing the Smoke Alarm for use by others, you must leave this manual — or a copy of it — with the end user. Models Printed in Mexico B M K1 04/07 All First Alert® and BRK® Smoke Alarms conform to regulatory. First Alert BRK B Hardwired Smoke Alarm Unboxing. Less than 12 inches ( mm) away from fluorescent lights. hotels or motels. e Safety Professionals recommend at least one Smoke Alarm on every, separate sleeping area.